In this inspirational series, we explore the lives of some of Bahrain's most successful people, and find out how they got to where they are today. The people featured here include both Bahrainis and expatriates living and working in Bahrain. Names are listed alphabetically.

(If you know of someone who you believe belongs in this list, drop us a line, briefly outlining their achievements and what makes them special).


Farouk Almoayed

As a child, he had a fascination for cars. But while other children pictured themselves behind the wheel, Almoayyed's head was planted under the hood, so to speak. More

Karlheinz Aumann

Meet the Bahrain Sheraton general manager whose luncheon for taxi drivers has become an annual tradition since he introduced it in 1983. More

Mohammed Buzizi

It took a brazen and audacious act to get Buzizi started in his hotel career. But once he had his foot in the door, he was always on track to reach the top. More

Mohammed Dadabhai

At the tender age of 14, when most children are starting to grow out of toys, Dadabhai was just discovering them. Not to play with though, but rather as a toy seller. More

Ebrahim Al Dossary

An accident early in life which broke one of his legs made him physically weak, but as Al Dossary explains, it gave him more mental strength to face life's bigger trials. More

Haji Hassan

Ataba, ataba... step by step. That's how Hassan describes his progress from a 7-year-old pulling a donkey for miles, to his position today as one of Bahrain's leading businessmen. More

Ahmed Janahi

It comes as a surprise when the man behind some of Bahrain;s finest architectural landmarks proclaims there is no such thing as the perfect building design. More

Faisal Jawad

He was a bright student and when he applied for a course in medicine, he was accepted. But the day, he got his acceptance letter, he decided to go into business instead. More

Fahmi bin Ali Al Jowder

What does it take for someone to make it to the exalted position of a government minister, in charge of the important Works & Housing portfolio, at the age of 36? More

Khalid M Kanoo

A schoolboy athlete, a pioneer in Abu Dhabi when there was nothing there but sand, and now a top businessman, Kanoo is one of the most refreshing personalities you could meet. More

Saleh Al Kowary

Kowary often pictured himself in the CEO's chair at HSBC. Nothing wrong with that, except he was employed there as a typist and was just 14 at the time.But whoever said dreams don't come true? More

Iqbal Mamdani

From a small-town boy to an international banker of stature, Mamdani's story is one of calculated risks and an unending desire to go further. More

Mohammed Al Mannai

At seven, he braved storms and the threat of pirates as he 'crewed' on vessels buying pearls in the Gulf. By 15, he was already starting to fulfil his passion of designing jewellery. More

Akram Miknas

Seven friends, 7,000 dollars and one man's dream and planningÉ that's how Fortune Promoseven was born in 1968.Today, FP7 is the Arab world's largest advertising agency. More

Osman Morad

His childhood dream was to become a pilot, but less than perfect eyesight meant he had to look elsewhere to ascend to heights of success. More

Abdul Rahman Morshed

He was one of ten children, born into a poor family. Yet Morshed rose to become general manager of the National Hotels Company. More

Khamis Al Muqla

If you love what you do for a living, you will never work a day in your life. If that adage is true, advertising man Khamis Al Muqla has had the pleasure of never having to work at all. More

Mustafa Al Sayed

He started off with so many hard knocks in life - including a fire that left his family homeless - that he felt like Oliver Twist from the Dickens novel. Look just where he is now. More

Abdulnabi Al Sho'ala

As a child from a poor family, he would even collect unmarked stamps from used envelopes and sell them for extra money. Today, he is Bahrain's State Minister. More

Engin Turker

He was born with a love for the arts. He grew up with the desire to be an architect. What he did become was Turkey's Ambassador to Bahrain, a career, he says, that was just a 'widening of his canvas.' More

Jamil Wafa

This Palestininian refugee's formative years were marked by poverty and adversity, but that didn't stop him from becoming the architect of one of Bahrain's big success stories. More

Johnny Young

The odds were heavily stacked against a black kid born into abject poverty in an America where equal rights were still a dream. Yet Young is now a US Ambassador. More

Khalid Al Zayani

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but when offered a top position by his father in the family's auto business, he declined. "I'll start at the bottom," he told his father, and was true to his word. More

More to come!

Watch this space for more Bahrain success stories. If you've got suggestions for people you'd like to read about, send us an email.

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Many Western tourists may not know it, but in the Middle East and Asia, gold is as much an investment as it is an item of jewellery. So most of the gold you get here is of a higher purity and of greater value than the high-priced items you get back home. Definitely worth buying (and keeping)!





